Wow, this illustration has opened up a hornets nest of reactions.
I get the impression that some of the audience think I actually made up this image and thoroughly enjoy illustrating the pain and torment some animals go through at the hands of us humans.
This is what is so powerful about art. I referenced this image, the quote and the information from newspapers. The ironic result of putting these ingredients together is purely to make the viewer consider their opinion on jumps racing. My only personal statement was RIP because yes, I do think it's sad that such a beautiful young horse, died in such a way.
For the record, I actually intensely dislike some of the things I'm coming across in research as part of this project. But if I ignore them, does that make them go away? I have felt often that the subject is too hard and it has made my decisions on final works (rather than the background illustrations) very tricky. Who wants to look at horror (because that's what some of this stuff is) on a gallery wall?
My final works will be nothing like the illustrations. My conviction was correct in that regard.
When this project concludes, if I have changed even one person's behaviour towards how they act and consume and how it impacts on the other earthlings we share this planet with, then I will have succeeded.
I could take the "sick f*%*" comments personally but I don't. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs and I respect that.
If you don't like an image, ask yourself why?
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